segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2005

< eu recomendo... >

...a coluna da Naomi Klein no Guardian. Eu já tava meio de saco cheio do jornalismo esquerdista militante à la Caros Amigos, que às vezes chega a ser mais tendencioso e distorcente do que o jornalismão, mas os artigos da Naomi me conquistaram: são muito bem escritos, cheios de deliciosas ironias e sempre mandando ver umas pancadas na cara do Bush, do McDonald's e das nobres missões humanitárias estadunidenses que vão "instalar democracias" no terceiro mundo à base de bombardeios e civis mortos e mutilados... Os livros da moça tb tem uma boa fama, mas ainda não conheço mais a fundo. Leiam lá. Exemplinho:

"Last Tuesday, George Bush delivered a major address on his plan to fight terrorism with democracy in the Arab world. On the same day, McDonald's launched a massive advertising campaign urging Americans to fight obesity by eating healthily and exercising. Any similarities between McDonald's "Go Active! American Challenge" and Bush's "Go Democratic! Arabian Challenge" are purely coincidental.

Sure, there is a certain irony in being urged to get off the couch by the company that popularised the "drive-thru", helpfully allowing customers to consume a bagged heart attack without having to get out of the car and walk to the counter. And there is a similar irony to Bush urging the people of the Middle East to remove "the mask of fear" because "fear is the foundation of every dictatorial regime", when that fear is the direct result of US decisions to install and arm the regimes that have systematically terrorised for decades. But since both campaigns are exercises in rebranding, that means facts are besides the point. "

(Pô, "bagged heart attack" é ótimo...)